This Privacy Policy(Policy) has been prepared to respect your privacy and protect your personal data based on standards and conditions in accordance with various regulations applicable in Indonesia.
This Privacy Policy explains how we, PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring(PLNE), including all affiliates, subsidiaries, and all companies under PLNE’s direct or indirect control(PLN Group), process your personal data, including obtaining, collecting, processing, analyzing, storing, improving, updating, displaying, announcing, transferring, disseminating, disclosing, deleting, and/or destroying your personal data obtained because you use PLNE’s products and/or services which include:

  1. electricity engineering consultancy services;
  2. servicesbeyond electricity(beyond kWh);
  3. other services that will be developed in the future; and/or
  4. websites, features, applications, social media, or other forms provided by PLNE through cellular networks or internet networks from time to time.

(hereinafter referred to as the “Service“).

About PLNE s Privacy and Cookie Policy

This policy and our cookies are updated from time to time.
Whenever we make changes, we will display the information on our website or by other mechanisms as required by law.
We recommend that you monitor this Policy regularly.

We will make changes to our Policy to align with our efforts to always provide the best service for you and ensure that what we do is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia.

Your Personal Information and Data We Collect

Your personal information and data that we collect and how we collect it may vary depending on which of our Services you use, how you have used those Services, and how you interact with PLNE and/or PLN Group even if you are not a consumer, or information we have obtained from third parties or other legitimate sources.

PLNE will process your personal data based on the following lawful bases of processing personal data:

  1. Obligations in contract or in order to enter into a contract and take action on your request for the Services.
  2. PLNE’s legitimate business interests.
  3. Compliance with legal obligations.
  4. Substantial public interest.
  5. The consent you give.

We will collect information, including your personal data, when you, for example:

  1. purchase or use any of our Services;
  2. register for a particular product or Service;
  3. subscribe to our newsletters, alerts, or other Services;
  4. contact us through various channels, or request information about products or Services;
  5. take part in certain competitions, prize draws, events or surveys organized by PLNE and/or PLN Group;
  6. access our website or any other PLN Group website;
  7. have given permission to other companies or parties to share information about you which is shared with PLNE and/or PLN Group;
  8. your information is publicly available;
  9. You are a consumer of a business taken over by PLNE and/or PLN Group; and/or
  10. there are certain business functions transferred to us where information, including your personal data is legitimately transferred to us.

We may also collect information from certain parties with a legitimate legal basis to do so.
We may also collect information about you on CCTV, security cameras or other visual data processing or processing devices when you visit any PLNE office or other authorized PLN Group service outlets as part of security measures, crime prevention, disaster prevention, and/or for other purposes subject to applicable laws and regulations.

In general, the personal information and data we hold in the course of providing the Services (where agreed and possible), include:

Personal data required by us to provide the Services, including but not limited to:

  1. Name;
  2. Population Identification Number(NIK);
  3. Family Card Number;
  4. Address;
  5. phone number;
  6. e-mail address;
  7. Taxpayer Identification Number(NPWP);
  8. coordinate points;
  9. other personal data of a general or specific nature as described below; and/or
  10. personal data combined to identify you as outlined below.

In addition to the personal data mentioned above, we may collect additional personal data as needed.

The data below is part of the personal data referred to in letters i and j above:

  1. Search data is information collected when you use the Services.
    Information relating to your data includes but is not limited to:

    • search data, search history (including recorded date and time);
    • your interests or preferences collected from the use of the Services;
    • photos, sounds, contacts, call lists or other interactions in the Services that you authorize to be accessed through your device.
      We never scan or capture album or camera photos on your device; and/or
    • other data required by PLNE and/or PLN Group in the future as may be added from time to time.
  2. Certain technical data, including but not limited to:
    • information on the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that you visit;
    • cookie data (when you visit PLNE and/or PLN Group websites, we collect a piece of data about you that is stored on your device, which allows us to know when you visit PLNE and/or PLN Group sites in the future);
    • advertising ID used by PLNE for organizing advertising activities;
    • log files (log data is only used in aggregate form to analyze the use of our Services);
    • Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (we store your IP address, or the location of your device on the Internet, for system administration and troubleshooting purposes.
      We use IP addresses in the aggregate to determine the locations that access our Services);
    • information about the type of device you are using, such as the device’s unique ID, mobile network connection type, provider, network and device performance, browser type, language, information enabling digital rights management, and operating system; and/or
    • other data required by PLNE in the future as may be added from time to time.
  1. Certain metadata obtained from the use of our Services, including but not limited to:
    • technical processed data, such as mobile positioning, telco score, location scoring, and advanced profiling;
    • metadata of your Service usage activities, data usage, paid deposit top-ups, bill payments, paid deposit transfers, and profiling and segmentation; and/or
    • other data required by PLNE in the future as may be added from time to time.
  2. Data from suppliers, business partners and/or other third parties who participate in the procurement of goods or services, enter into cooperation, or arrangements in certain activities with us, including but not limited to:
    • authentication partner data is data obtained when you register or log in to use the Service using a third party’s credentials, we will collect your information from that third party to help you use the Service to the extent that you have given consent to that third party’s service; and/or
    • Payment partner data is data obtained if you choose to pay for a Service by billing, we may receive data from payment partners so that we can send you a bill, process your payment and deliver what you purchased to you.
  3. In some circumstances (where permitted by laws and regulations), certain categories of personal data or personal data are associated with criminal offenses and sanctions.
    Special categories of personal data include information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health-related data, or other data.

In the event that there is additional information and additional personal data that we will collect from you, we will provide notice and request additional consent from you to you or by other mechanisms in accordance with regulatory orders, while taking into account and ensuring the security and protection of your personal data under this Policy.

Purpose of Processing Your Information and Personal Data We Collect

We will use your information and personal data as described above, taking into account the consent you have given for each purpose, as follows(Processing Purposes):

  1. to provide our Services;
  2. to manage any contracts, offer letters or other commitments we have made to you;
  3. to communicate, carry out Know-Your-Customer (KYC) principles,credit scoring and provide personalization to your use of our Services;
  4. to diagnose and solve problems related to difficulties in accessing the Service(troubleshoot);
  5. to administer the Services, evaluate and develop our Services from time to time;
  6. to analyze consumer activity, behavior, and demographic data including habits and usage of the Services;
  7. to organize sweepstakes, contests or provide other loyalty rewards to you;
  8. to process or facilitate your payment;
  9. to offer advertisements/promotions or offers from other parties that work with us;
  10. to carry out the mandate of the legislation;
  11. to process and respond to questions and suggestions received from you;
  12. to be connected to, and stored in, our data centers, PLN Group and/or other parties subject to data retention agreements with us for a period of time and as required under applicable regulations; and/or
  13. to be processed by us, PLN Group, and/or other parties that have data management collaboration agreements with us for the purposes of utilizing personal data and information to improve the quality of our services and/or PLN Group including based on consumer experience, developing our business activities and/or PLN Group based on business plans that have been prepared by us and/or PLN Group.

Your Personal Information and Data We Share

Based on the consent you provide or other lawful basis of processing personal data, we may share information about you with:

  1. companies and/or entities that are part of the PLN Group;
  2. our appointed personal data processor;
  3. sub-processors of personal data that we approve;
  4. our appointed advisors and consultants;
  5. partners, suppliers or agents involved in our Services;
  6. our business partners;
  7. companies and/or entities engaged to provide Services for, or on behalf of PLNE and/or PLN Group;
  8. law enforcement agencies, government bodies, regulators, courts, or other public authorities if we must, or as permitted by law;
  9. third parties or entities that require such disclosure to comply with applicable law; and/or
  10. other authorized parties.

Disclosure and sharing of personal information and data to third parties will be made by us on the basis of applicable laws and regulations or agreements with us in accordance with the Processing Purposes as mentioned in this Policy, as well as other reasons, among others:

  1. in accordance with applicable law or in response to legal process, such as a search warrant, court order, or subpoena;
  2. to protect the safety of PLNE and/or PLN Group, your safety or the safety of others or for the legitimate interests of any party in the context of national security, law enforcement, litigation, criminal investigations or to prevent outbreaks, emergencies that have been determined by the government;
  3. for the purposes of internal investigations into criminal offenses or violations of regulations or policies within PLNE and/or PLN Group;
  4. if required in connection with legal proceedings brought against PLNE, its officers, employees, affiliates or vendors;
  5. to establish, implement, protect, defend and enforce PLNE’s legal rights;
  6. in the context of disclosing information and personal data to partners and/or PLN Group where PLNE in good faith can provide it in the form of data that has been collected and summarized or aggregate data.
    If PLNE discloses non-aggregated data, PLNE will make best efforts to protect your data, such as but not limited to disclosing data anonymously (by removing your personal identification) and carried out after signing a confidentiality agreement;
  7. in the case of cooperation with suppliers, vendors and service providers working on behalf of PLNE, in accordance with the Processing Purposes set out in this Policy;
  8. to cooperate with partners and the PLN Group to improve your experience of the Services, which will only be done in accordance with the Processing Purposes as set out in this Policy, or to protect consumer interests, and subject to a data management collaboration agreement with PLN;
  9. the occurrence of a merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or part of PLNE’s business by and/or to another company, for the purposes of such transaction.
    This action is covered by a confidentiality agreement between PLNE and the relevant third party; and/or
  10. to carry out the activities described in the Processing Purposes section.

Retention Period of Your Personal Information and Data

We are committed to collecting, processing, and storing your personal data with encryption or other methods, with the best protection based on laws and regulations to provide our Services.
The storage of your personal information and data may be carried out in the territory of Indonesia and/or outside the territory of Indonesia, while still fulfilling the obligations of access and supervisory effectiveness in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We will keep the personal data and information as mentioned in this Policy as long as you are still using the Service and/or in accordance with the internal policies of PLNE and/or applicable laws and regulations.

Your Rights

In this section we explain the details of how you can exercise your rights.
If you have any further questions regarding your rights, please contact our Consumer Services team.

We reserve the right to refuse your request to access, correct and/or delete, some or all of your personal data that we process, if permitted or required under applicable laws and regulations, especially if the request may affect matters such as but not limited to:

  1. jeopardize your and/or others’ safety, physical or mental health;
  2. there is an impact of disclosing other people’s personal data;
  3. contrary to the interests of national defense and security; and/or
  4. the reason for the request is irrelevant to you and/or irrelevant to the personal data processing activities that we carry out.

Right to Information

You have the right to be informed about the clarity of identity, the basis of legal interests, the purpose of the request and use of Personal Data and our accountability for your personal data.
To make this request as an individual or an authorized third party, you may contact our Consumer Services team.

Right to rectification of personal data

You have the right to supplement, update and/or correct any errors and/or inaccuracies in your personal data that we process in accordance with the Processing Purposes.
If the information we hold about you is inaccurate or needs to be updated, you may contact our Consumer Services team.
You are encouraged to be active in ensuring the accuracy and updating of your data from time to time.

Right to access personal data

You have the right to access and obtain a copy of the personal data we hold about you in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
To apply for this access as an individual or authorized third party, you may contact our Contact Center.

Right to erasure of personal data

PLNE and PLN Group endeavor to only process and store your data for as long as we need it.
In certain circumstances you have the right to end the processing, delete and/or destroy personal data about you within a period of 3×24 hours before and/or after the deletion and/or destruction is carried out or any other period in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

If you feel that we are keeping your data for longer than we need, we advise you to first check whether the contract between you and PLNE has ended, which you can do through the Contact Center.
If your contract with PLNE has ended, we may still have a legitimate reason to process your personal data.
For more information on retention periods, you can visit the section on retention periods described in this Policy.

Right to withdraw consent to processing of personal data

You have the right, in certain circumstances, to withdraw the consent to the processing of personal data that you have provided to us.
However, the unavailability of your personal data information causes us to be unable to verify and process your use of the Services, which may limit your ability to use certain of our Services.

If you still wish to use our Services, then you may only partially withdraw consent to the use of personal data that is not used to provide our Services to you.

Right to object to decision-making based on automated processing

If you feel that we are carrying out automated processing of your personal data that has a significant impact on you, then you can contact our Contact Center to address your complaint.
In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to decision-making actions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that give rise to legal consequences or have a significant impact on you.

Right to restrict processing of personal data

If you feel that the data we hold about you is inaccurate, or you feel that we should not process your data, you can contact our Contact Center to address your complaint.
In certain circumstances, you have the right to delay to limit the processing of personal data relating to you in proportion to the purposes for which you have consented to the processing of personal data.

Right to personal data portability

You have the right to be able to carry the personal data that you provide to us under certain conditions.
We also ensure that you can bring and send your data to other parties or to other Personal Data Controllers, as long as the systems used can communicate with each other securely according to regulations.

Policy Update

This Policy may be amended and/or updated from time to time, with the aim of ensuring this Policy is in line with business developments and/or legal developments that occur.
In connection with this, PLNE will notify the changes and/or updates to you in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

Recognition and Approval

  1. You guarantee that all data provided in written form or other forms to use our Services is truly yours and not obtained from personal information belonging to third parties without legal permission, so that all matters arising in connection with the provision and correctness of such data are your full responsibility.
  2. By agreeing to this Policy, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Policy and agree to all its terms.
    In particular, you agree and consent to us obtaining, collecting, processing, analyzing, storing, improving, updating, displaying, announcing, transferring, disseminating, disclosing and destroying or deleting your personal data in accordance with this Policy.
  3. If you are under the minimum age requirement or fall under the category of children and/or persons with disabilities in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, then you must ensure that you have obtained approval from your parents (father or mother) or guardian in accordance with applicable regulations.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact our Contact Center at (62-21) 560 843, IG: @pln_enjiniring, and email or can come directly to the office of PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring.