PLNE Make K3 a Culture

PLNE Make K3 a Culture


Like at PLN Engineering, all employees at the Bangkanai CNG Plant carried out a series of activities in commemoration of the month of OSH which was held on 12 January – 12 February 2018. These included flag ceremonies, training and refreshments for using fire extinguishers for employees, awarding employees who comply on work safety, signing employee K3 commitments, as well as K3 themed quizzes.

The activity aims to increase awareness of the importance of OSH for all employees. Meanwhile for PLN Engineering management, in accordance with the OSH philosophy, it is to protect the safety and health of workers in the field as well as to reflect and evaluate the implementation of OSH.

In 2018, several K3 programs will be carried out which include:

  1. Preparing a budget to carry out several K3 programs
  2. Preparation of facilities and infrastructure, as well as their maintenance in order to meet the needs of K3 which is carried out under the responsibility of the HSE Supervisor.
  3. Organizing HSE training that refers to HSE competency standard training, namely (a) Basic HSE training; (b) Refresher training (periodic); (c) Certification of personnel; (d) Prevention and control of fires; (e) Creating a K3 management system (SMK3).
  4. Conducting a Safety Talk Meeting every morning on a regular basis.
  5. Control of operations.
  6. Provide waste storage facilities.
  7. Provide health facilities.

According to the Business Senior Manager, Ibrahim, the implementation of OSH is not only to fulfill a zero accident, but to increase culture and awareness of OSH.

“Implementation is being carried out at PLN Engineering by implementing the K3 Management System (SMK3) as in Article 87 of Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower which has also been regulated in Government Regulation No. 550 of 2012,” he explained.

According to Ibrahim, the K3 Month Commemoration is the foundation for all PLN Engineering employees to raise awareness and understand the importance of K3. As the theme carried this year, namely “Through a Culture of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), We Form a Nation with Character”. So through this theme it is hoped that K3 can become a work culture and shape the character of employees.

“When the safety culture has been properly implemented, it means that safety has been developed in terms of values ​​that reflect the application of self-assessment regarding OSH,” explained Ibrahim.

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