PLNE Improves Employee Physical Health Through Morning Exercise

PLNE Improves Employee Physical Health Through Morning Exercise

Jakarta, PLNE- Health coaching is an effort made to maintain and improve physical fitness in various forms of sports. Effective physical activity to optimize endurance and train the muscles of the body. Besides that, psychologically it can relieve stress in carrying out daily activities.

One of them is the morning exercise which is carried out every Friday by PT PLN Enjiniring for all employees and takes place in the PT PLN Enjiniring parking lot. The purpose of holding this morning exercise is to maintain physical fitness, exercise also refreshes the mind for employees in carrying out their duties at work and strengthens good relations between fellow employees and between employees and superiors.

The morning exercise is led by a gymnastics instructor who is attended by all gymnastics participants and lasts for approximately one hour consisting of 40 minutes of warm-up and core movements, 15 minutes of rest before cooling down. Apart from morning exercises, PT PLN Engineering also facilitates a gym, Class Zumba, yoga, futsal, ping pong, and swimming for its employees. (Public Relations Team)

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